The fundamentals at the core everything we do at TS Resolution

  • Respect
  • Loyalty
  • Self-Discipline
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Courage

At the heart Sea Cadets lies a steadfast commitment to instilling core values that shape the leaders of tomorrow. Our organisation prides itself on providing young people with an unrivaled platform for growth, learning, and personal development.

Excellence: The pursuit of excellence is at the core of everything we do. We challenge and inspire our cadets to push their boundaries and achieve their full potential, both academically and personally. Through a comprehensive training program, we empower young minds to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Integrity: We firmly believe in cultivating integrity and responsibility. Our cadets learn the importance of honesty, ethics, and respect for themselves and others. They develop a strong moral compass that guides their actions on and off the water, instilling a sense of trustworthiness that lasts a lifetime.

Teamwork: The power of unity and collaboration is a cornerstone of the Sea Cadets. Cadets gain hands-on experience in working as part of a team, fostering camaraderie and learning to value the strength of collective effort. In this supportive environment, they develop essential interpersonal and leadership skills.

Adaptability: In a constantly changing world, adaptability is a vital skill. Our cadets are taught to embrace challenges with a resilient spirit. The Sea Cadets program equips them with the tools to face adversity, make swift decisions, and overcome obstacles confidently.

Leadership: True leaders are nurtured within the Sea Cadets. Through hands-on leadership experiences, our cadets develop the skills and confidence to take charge and inspire others. They learn the art of guiding with empathy, vision, and purpose.

Community: Community service is a core value that we hold dear. Our cadets actively participate in various charitable activities, contributing to the betterment of society. This instills a sense of civic duty and an understanding of the importance of giving back.

Adventure: Life in the Sea Cadets is an adventure in itself. Cadets are exposed to exhilarating experiences on the water, where they learn to face challenges head-on, push their limits, and embrace the thrill of adventure. This sense of exploration nurtures a spirit of curiosity and resilience.

Join the Sea Cadets today and embark on a journey that combines tradition with innovation, forging individuals who are not only skilled and confident but also compassionate and responsible citizens. Our core values are the compass guiding the way for the leaders of tomorrow.

Are you ready to embark on a voyage of personal growth, leadership, and discovery? Join us at TS Resolution and set sail towards a brighter future.